21st century, anti-bias, compassion, education, interdependence, Montessori, Parenting, respect, Teaching, Uncategorized

Different Parents?

Note to readers: I wrote “Different Parents?” in mid-May but never posted. Broader reach was my goal, so I submitted to a few publications with no responses. Not unusual. But I am compelled now to put this out into the world, but with the caveat, that we also consider being different parents by actively working… Continue reading Different Parents?

21st century, collaboration, Cosmic Education, education, interdependence, Montessori, Parenting, school, systems thinking, Teaching, Uncategorized

Pulling Back the Curtain on Montessori Education

Each year new “Montessori” schools or programs appear across the globe.  These schools vary tremendously, often successfully embracing the uniqueness of each community. Still, many differ significantly in their commitment to Montessori pedagogy, despite the term’s use in their name or program descriptor. Like anything tremendously successful, there will always be some that choose to… Continue reading Pulling Back the Curtain on Montessori Education